The British artists included in the exhibition were Wyndham Lewis, Graham Sutherland, Francis Bacon, David Hockney, Ben Nicholson, Duncan Grant and Henry Moore.
They said not to take any photos in the exhibition, but i figured it wouldn't hurt anyone in any way if i took a couple with no flash or anything like that... so i was rather cheeky and as the staff were telling off other people for taking photos, i took the opportunity to take a few haha i had to be quick though, so their not great photos, but seeing as all of the work is all over the Internet anyway, I'm not really sure what the problem was, if i had the flash off. I suppose its a paid exhibition and they want people to buy the book that pretty much summarises the exhibition (which i bought anyway, because it's brilliant). I'm not entirely sure of the copy right/patent laws of art but i think its something along the lines of, if the artist is dead then then you can reproduce (take photos of) the work without permission from the artist (obviously they cant give permission, for reasons i need not explain). Shall i post a few? hmm...
Duncan Grant
Ben Nicholson
Francis Bacon
Graham Sutherland
I didn't manage to take any photos of Wyndham Lewis' or David Hockney's work.
After exiting the Picasso exhibition, i took a wrong turn while trying to leave Tate Britain and Found a very poorly lit room with one of my favourite paintings in, which made my day so much more spectacular!! It was Porthleven by Peter Lanyon! Genuinely breath taking.
There were also two other works in the room that caught my eye, I'm unsure of the artist who created the relief in the first of the two pictures bellow, but the second image is Black Mirror by Alan Davie.
Thanks for reading my blog :)